Every day businesses and individuals establish a presence on the Internet by purchasing an Internet domain name and setting up a web site. Perhaps you have recently done so. Typically, the domain name you have purchased is identical or closely related to the name of your company or primary product or service. You may assume that by purchasing a domain name matching your business name or product, you have secured the relevant domain names for your business or product. You may be surprised to learn that while you have obtained a domain name to match your business name, someone else may purchase variations of your domain name, including those which are less than flattering. Those same elements that allow the creation of numerous legitimate sites–the ease and low cost of purchasing a domain name and setting up a website, together with the proliferation of domain name extensions–provide unprecedented opportunities to a disgruntled employee or unhappy customer to generate bad publicity in cyberspace by establishing a gripe site. The negative publicity created by the gripe site is compounded when prominent search engines pick it up or when it is discussed in printed publications. This article discusses how this practice exists within the confines if the law.
A gripe site is a web siteIcreated and maintained by someone other than the owner or user of a particular name or mark, that gripes publicly about that owner’s ideas, service or product. The gripe site is supposedly created to publicize a specific wrong by describing a version of the facts which supports a gripe. The site might center on a single transaction or could be a bulletin board inviting others to post their complaints about the same company or product. Some examples include a mockup of PETA’s activities (before PETA established a site), equifaxeatspoop.com, and capellauniversitysucks.us. While trademark owners aggressively protect their rights (which must be done), they are sometimes unable to force the gripe site’s closure. In addition, the aggressiveness of those owners in protecting their valuable marks often fuels the gripe sites owner’s attacks and generates greater publicity of the gripe site’s existence.